Wednesday, 29 January 2014

Series Idea: Spec Challenge!

Hey guys, had this idea for a while now, and will be making the first video of the new series soon!

So the idea is to take a talent build that is either rarely played, never played or even just God-awful, and set myself up to the challenge of creating a Battleground Montage with it! I'll start out the video by very quickly going over the talents I've picked, then dive right into the minitage! After the BG clips (maybe some 2v2 clips) stop rolling, I'll spend the last 2-3 minutes of the video talking about the spec!

These last 2-3 minutes are what's really new. Apart from just talking about how survivable or 'viable' the spec was, covering things like its strengths and weaknesses, I'd wanna go into how FUN the spec was! I mean, this wouldn't be an educational series at the end of the day. I've got some INSANE specs in mind that I could try out in the Battlegrounds. I think it could be kind of epic to show how the specs play, then recommend them to anyone who might be feeling bored with their Warlock!

Just an idea that I'm pretty sure I'm gonna go after soon =D Something new!


  1. Most challenging spec would definetely be:
    (1) Harvest Life
    (2) Demonic Breath
    (3) Soul Link
    (4) Burning Rush
    (5) Grimoire of Sacrifice (!!!)
    (6) Mannoroth's Fury

    GL :P

    1. Haha ='D Hey man, I'll get to the worst spec EU eventually, but gonna put it off for a while lol

    2. Yeah you can try covering the underdog talents one by one first :D My vote on the first talent to use would be either Burning Rush or Demonic Breath!

  2. wanna see you flag carrying with burning rush :D

  3. Burning Rush works actually quite well with Sac Pact and your Burning Embers. And Demonic Breath would be great... if it wasn't a glyph.

  4. Really looking forward to this new series!

    WTB Cobrak 18!!!

  5. Soul leech, coil, soul link, blood horror, grimoire of sacrifise, kil jaedens cunning + voidwalker pet = Tank spec!! Test it out pls! Love your vids and stay awesome!

  6. Hey cob, could you try an old spec and if its still viable, Dark Regen/Shadowfury/Blood Horror/Grimore of Service!/KJC
